
The Crimson Playgoer

Sophie Tucker Innocuous holds forth In "Honky Tonk" Songs All Right If You Like Em.

One advantage of the chain store organization which is overtaking the movies nowadays is that if you miss a picture at one theater it is almost certain to turn up sooner or later at another. At the Central Square this week are two such attractions. "The Virginian," which has been reviewed before in the Playgoer columns, and "Honky Tonk."

For the former piece one can only rejoice at its reappearance. It is by all odds one of the most successful of the Westerns with Gary Cooper capturing the spirit of Owen Wister's hero to perfection. Mary Brian is attractive if a trifle too sophisticated for a Vermont schoolteacher out to educate the younger generation in Wyoming. Needless to say Gary gets both his man and his girl and manages to make the whole story convincing.

"Honky Tonk" stars Sophie Tucker, and unless you like her particular and unless you like her particular genre of sentimental songs there is little of importance or entertainment in the picture. But it is innocuous at worst and not enough to keep one away from seeing its companion.
