To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
I would like to correct the prevalent impression that the Glee Club will give only one concert this year. The situation really is that in place of its usual series of two concerts in Symphony Hall for men's voices and a soloist, there will be only one concert in the series this year, and that will be for mixed voices and orchestra. The Glee Club will appear in many concerts besides this as usual, in schools, and public concerts in and out of Cambridge. The so-called single concert in Symphony Hall is the result of a new policy by which the Glee Club is advancing from the field of men's voice music into the more extensive, interesting, and natural, library for mixed voices. It is believed that this is progress musically, and that it will prove more varied and interesting to the audiences. The Glee Club by no means intends to give up men's voice music, but has prepared a complete program of it for local concerts. The concert with the Radcliffe Choral Society and the Boston Symphony Orchestra on December 12th in Symphony Hall is an added and progressive feature. J. R. Graham '30.
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