Two men were arrested late Saturday night by Federal prohibition enforcement officers outside of Russell Hall, and were taken to the West Roxbury police station charged with illegal transportation of liquor and violation of the national prohibition act.
The two men were seized, it was charged, as they were about to enter Russell Hall, and cases of alleged rye and scotch were reported found in their car. When booked at the West Roxbury station, the men gave their names as Morris Willis, 28, of 39 Schuyler Street, Roxbury, and Joseph Diamond, 23, of 91 Devon Street, Roxbury.
No Dry Drive, Says Apted
Charles Apted, superintendent of care takers and head of the College yard cops, last night scouted the idea that Federal officers were making any new or concentrated effort to dry up Harvard square, and suggested that this was merely an individual case in which the alleged bootleggers happened to be tracked to Mt. Auburn Street, This view was also supported by the local enforcement officers who could be reached last night.
The possibility that Saturday night's raid is part of a widespread enforcement effort suggested itself last night, however, when rumors were current that a series of Bostonwide raids were being made with the aid of half a dozen Harvard undergraduates, It was reported that students in the University, piqued at paying exorbitant prices for bad liquor, were "getting even" with the bootleggers. The CRIMSON was unable to obtain accurate facts as to the alleged connections between Harvard undergraduates and enforcement officers.
An interesting sidelight of Saturday night's arrests was uncovered when the addresses of the phone numbers published in alleged bootleggers' advertisements in the CRIMSON and Lampoon a month ago were compared with the addresses given by the alleged liquor vendors., One, that of Morris Willis, at 39 Schuyler Street. Roxbury, was identical with that of phone number Garrison 2198, advertised under the name of "Mr Rogers".
When these advertisements appeared, the assistant district attorney in charge of prohibition enforcement refused to take any action against the editors of the CRIMSON and Lampoon, dismissing the whole affair as a college prank. It could not be learned last night if an investigation was now being contemplated, in the light of developments of the past week-end.
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Pre-Revolutionary Harvard