
The Student Vagabond

The Vagabond is fully conscious that anything he might say about Professor Copeland and the annual Christmas Reading would be entirely superfluous. Those who read this column will find some way to crowd into the Union Dining Room tonight not later than half past eight. For it goes without saying, even the most casual of the Vagabond's comaraderie will have discovered for himself that Copey is on the calendar today.

Cosmopolitan and divided as Harvard men may be, they manage to come together on one or two scattered points. And while views of the House Plan, the War Memorial, and the Lampoon may be colored by many different shades of Crimson, there is always a rosy halo about the neighborhood of Hollis 15.

This just means that Copey counts in the life of Harvard men because undergraduates have always counted in his life.

There are some excellent lectures coming for this week, and the Vagabond finds the following a good start:



9 o'clock

"Vers de Societe", Professor Rollins, Emerson A.

10 o'clock

"Rise of Scholasticism", Professor Perry, Emerson D.

11 o'clock

"Anglo-American Relations, 1853-61", Professor Baxter,-Harvard 1.

12 o'clock

"Heine's Lyric Poems", Professor Silz, Harvard 1.
