

The Graduate School of Education with its new endowment of sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars has at last come into some of its rightful heritage as an institution for recognized professional training. In the past it has received far less financial aid than the other graduate schools in Harvard, and for some time it looked as if it would be just another case of the flower wasting its sweetness on a very arid desert air. Fortunately this impression has now been proved unfounded and the school is being offered some materials and opportunity for development.

The fund which has just been given will not only allow the Graduate School of Education to expand its present research, but will also afford an opportunity to devote money to other necessary developments which were previously impossible because all available funds were consumed by the work then in progress. Although the present acquisition does not solve all of the financial problems of the school, it does aid the situation considerably and points to the possibility of a brighter future.

Under present conditions with so much stress on education, it is a healthy sign that experimental work in that field is receiving recognition. The training of the mind is an essential element in modern life, and attention must not be given exclusively to the actual mechanics of educating. The problems of how and why are every bit as important and it is the answer to the questions that arise in the latter connection with which the School of Education is concerned. Any assistance that is given to help to accomplish this aim is a well directed and intelligent aid to the modern educational situation.
