

Ann Harding, in "Her Private Affair", is credit to the stage--"Three Live Ghosts"--good entertainment.

Two of the better movies are on the current bill at the University Theatre this week. Ann Harding, in "Her Private Affair", shows how infinitely superior the better stage actresses are to the average movie-trained chit, and completely carries off a difficult part to the satisfaction of this reviewer's not lenient taste.

The plot of "Her Private Affair" involves the murder of a man who had caught the heroine (Miss Harding, of course) in an indiscreet moment. Miss Harding is the charming murderess, and her subsequent trials and tribulations as she tries to work out her life, with all its complications of her con- science, as well as of relations with her husband, friends, and an innocent man suspected of the murder, form the basis of the story. Of course, the problems are solved happily in the end, but nevertheless suspense is extraordinarily well maintained.

The other picture, "Three Live Ghosts", is one of the best balanced productions made since the advent of the talkie. By its very nature it makes no claim to being a great artistic endeavor, but it is almost perfect as entertainment. Movie directors would be doing a real service if they would unearth more pictures of the type of "Three Live Ghosts". Like good modern novels, they are very pleasant pastimes, even though we hesitate to claim for them immortality. Unfortunately they are just as rare as good modern novels.

Although there is nothing billed as a "short comedy", the Dramatic Club's advertisement for "Success" is acceptable for a few moments of fun. What with "Talented Miss So-and-so". "Charming Miss This-and-that", and the rest of the teaser, we were given a hearty laugh
