On Tuesday, for the first time, the public is to have the opportunity of seeing several of the educational films at Brattle Hall put forth by the University Film Foundation in collaboration with the faculty of the University.
The pictures which are to be shown include "Bedouins of the Sahara", a film representing the life of these nomad peoples in its various settings. "Mediaeval Moderns" gives a glimpse of the plainsfolk of Hungary in their everyday occupations. They are seen moulding pottery, grinding with windmill power, busy about many other of their daily activities. A Sunday scene reveals their picturesque and richly colored costumes at a wedding and a dance.
The Brattle Hall performance will start at 8.15 o'clock. On Saturday, December 21, there will be an afternoon and evening showing in Boston at the Fine Arts Theater, at 2.45 and 8.15 o'clock. Members of the Junior League are to usher at all performances.
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