
Charles J. Whiteside Secured by Bingham to Fill Vacant Post on Crew Coaching Staff Here

Ryan Releases Announcement at Bruins Hockey Game at the Boston Garden--Bingham Leaves Attitude on Head Coaching Job Unclarified

A bolt from a clear sky last night shattered the secrecy which has surrounded Harvard's negotiations for a new crew coach, with the announcement of the appointment of Charles J. Whiteside of Syracuse University to the crew coaching staff of Harvard University. The first mention of the news was made last night by Frank J. Ryan '24, publicity director of the Harvard Athletic Association between the first and second periods of the Bruins-Pittsburg hockey game at the Boston Garden.

Mr. Ryan excused himself for making the release under these unusual circumstances by saying that he understood Syracuse newspaper had gotten wind of the communications between Mr. Whiteside and Harvard athletic officials and were planning to announce the appointment without verification.

Bingham States Attitude

Immediately following his impromptu announcement, Mr. Ryan gave out a release from the Bruins' office which quoted W. J. Bingham '16 as saying that he had no statement to make as to what Mr. Whiteside's official capacity would be. It was generally believed, however, in Boston and Harvard athletic circles last night that the former Syracuse oarsman and coach would be tendered the position of head crew coach here at Harvard.

Ever since the resignation of E. J. Brown '96 as head coach immediately following the Harvard-Yale race at New London last June, Mr. Bingham has been interviewing coaches from all parts of the country with a view to securing their services for Harvard. The announcement last night would appear to be the culmination of Mr. Bingham's efforts in this direction. It has been clearly understood that H. H. Haines, Freshman coach, who has been in charge of the University crew this fall did not desire the position of head coach next spring, although he offered to take it for this year if no other coach could be procured.


Text of H. A. A. Release

The release issued last night by Mr. Ryan follows in full:

"William J. Bingham, Director of Athletics, tonight announced the appointment of Charles J. Whiteside of Syracuse, N. Y. to the varsity rowing coaching staff at Harvard. Whiteside is the former Freshman rowing coach of Syracuse University.

"Whiteside is a graduate of Syracuse University and rowed there as a member of the Freshman and University crews. He was coach of the Syracuse Freshman crew which won first place in the Freshman race at the Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta at Poughkeepsie last June. At Syracuse it is understood that he never rowed on a losing crew. His home formerly was in Duluth, Minnesota. He is about 36 years of age. He will report at Harvard next week."

At the bottom of the release appeared the following "Note to Sports Editors."

"Mr. Bingham has no further announcement to make regarding Whiteside. The position of University head rowing coach at Harvard is open because of the resignation of Edwin J. Brown. Mr. Bingham has not developed his varsity coaching plans at this time and he could not say anything tonight in just what capacity Whiteside would act at Harvard except that he would be a member of the varsity staff.
