

Fifty-Four Members Will Entrain on Christmas Afternoon--Stout Will Accompany Group as Proctor

Late Christmas afternoon 54 members of the Harvard Instrumental Clubs will leave Boston on their annual Christmas trip. The men will arrive back in Cambridge shortly before the recommencement of classes in January. Seven concerts will be given in as many cities of which Cincinnati, Ohio, is the farthest West.

The first concert will be offered in Pittsburgh on December 26, and will be followed by performances in Cincinnati, and Louisville, Kentucky, on the succeeding nights. After a concert in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on December 29, the Clubs will travel to Washington where they will be heard in the Hotel Mayflower. December 31, in New York, will be a free day. The New York concert will be given New Year's afternoon in the Hotel Plaza. Immediately following their last performance, in Philadelphia, on January 2, the Clubs will entrain for Boston, arriving early the next morning.

To offset their full schedule of appearances the men will find many suppers, teas, and dances, offered for their entertainment. The Louisville concert will be preceded by a tea dance and will be followed by a ball at the Pendennts Club. Previous to the performance in Washington there will be supper and dancing in the Garden Room of the Hotel Mayflower.

The programs offered on the tour will include numbers given in the Hingham and Roxbury Latin concerts. Among the featured specialties will be J. S. B. Archer '30, tenor soloist; the Hawaiian Trio, composed of Eustis Dearborn '32, R. S. Watson '32, and R. B. Harrison '32; and DeWitt Stetten Jr. '30.

F. H. Gade '31, president, and H. deW. Wood '30, manager, will be in charge of the trip and R. A. Stout '29 will accompany the men as proctor.
