
The Student Vagabond

As the evening shadows grow longer The Vagabond heads earlier for the big chair by the fire where mid clouds of smoke his dreams glow like the ruddy embers on the hearth. Quiet dreams they are--peaceful reflections that are needed to absorb a day of helter skelter educational scurrying.

Yes, The Vagabond likes these moments of reverie. His purely personal opinion is that in this day of language requirements and divisional far too little time is left to muse away in free thoughts that ramble up where the smoke rings fade off into the dark.

And so The Vagabond every now and then forsakes his busy life of lectures and adventures to join the ranks of those who live in fancy. If perchance, his own dreams grow dull and old there are always those of others who have captured visions and made literature. It is to one of those glorious dreams of beauty and splendor that The Vagabond turns this noon when he attends Professor Lowes' lecture on "Kubla Khan and Charitable" in New Fogg Other lectures:


9 o'clock


"Scott and Keats", Professor Rollins, Emerson A.

10 o'clock

"Lucullus and Satire", Professor Moore, Sever 13.

12 o'clock

"Kubla Khan and Charitable", Professor Lowes, New Fogg Large Lecture Hall.


9 o'clock

"Perception", Professor Boring, Emerson D.

"Protoplasm", Professor Parker, Geology Lecture Room.

10 o'clock
