

Book Department Offers Selections of Committee--Lowes' "Of Reading Books" on First List

K. B. Murdock '16, assistant professor of English, R. S. Hillyer '17, assistant professor of English, and E. A. Whitney '17, assistant professor of History are members of a new committee which will issue at intervals throughout the year lists of recommended recent non-fiction, a service made possible for alumni and undergraduates of Harvard through the book department of the Harvard Cooperative Society, it was announced yesterday.

"The committee will not attempt to pick out 'best sellers' or the 'best books of the month'," said Professor Murdock last night. "It will try to intricate some recent works which for one reason or another are likely to prove worth reading. In the annual flood of publications it is very easy for important works of non-fiction to escape attention."

According to G. E. Cole, manager of the Society, it is hoped that a few such works will be brought to the attention of Harvard alumni and undergraduates by presenting periodically the titles chosen by Professors Murdock, Hillyer and Whitney.

The first selections of the committee are as follows: Florence Ayscough's "Tu Fu, the Autobiography of a Chinese Poet"; P. Eipper's "Animals Looking at You"; John Livingston Lowes' "Of Reading Books"; Gilbert Murray's "The Ordeal of This Generation"; and L. W. Reese's "A Victorian Village".
