With the announcement today the House Plan is for the first time put on a definite basis. Questions for a long time unformulated and floating about in the minds of Harvard men are for the first time answered. Some idea of the physical form which the Houses will take for the first time come to the public notice in the pictures released from University Hall.
Further discussion of the advisability of the plan itself is admittedly futile and out of place. It remains only to settle the details of the Plan's operation in such a way as to make the Plan as acceptable as possible to the largest number of people. The point cannot be too strongly emphasized that virtually all the present plans for the operation of the two houses are still in a fluid state. Those in charge are anxious that this flexibility be maintained as long as possible after the Houses are in operation and fully intend to make modifications in these plans as soon as and in whatever direction it seems advisable.
The CRIMSON wishes so far as is possible to help in assembling representative opinions in regard to the various features of the plan. The editorial column this morning has been constructed with this in mind and is entirely devoted to the setting forth of various features of the discussion. This has been done both with a view to presenting facts not suitable for the usual news column treatment and to presenting the CRIMSON'S opinion on these facts. It is hoped that the student body at large will feel sufficiently interested in the subject to bring forth further comment suitable for running in the usual Mail column. Effort will be made to provide for the printing of all those communications which may make any valuable contribution to the discussion.
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