
The Crimson Playgoer

Pauline Frederick Plays Difficult Role Well--New Sound Effects Are Introduced

A well-directed and intelligently acted talking picture is on view at the Metropolitan this week. It has a fairly sound plot and has several new ideas in the way of sound recording. There are no basic faults in "Evidence".

Yet we did not like the production for the simple matter that the story did not appeal to us. A jealous husband separates from his wife and tries to raise his young son by himself. His wife is full of mother love and wants a reconciliation for the sake of her boy Eventually, of course, the couple are happily reunited, it makes a good story if you like it, but this particular undergraduate was not very excited.

The picture shows that the producers are making progress in sound technique. "Evidence" exhibits little of the self-conscious parading of strange noises for the mere sake of showing off. There are animals occasionally gurgling for this talkie, but they are incidental to the plot and are kept in the proper place. Pauline Frederick, an oldtimer on stage and screen, does a fine piece of work in the principal female role of the mother full of maternal affection. It is a difficult role to handle without slopping over into the worst sort of sentimentality and her experience stands her in good stead.
