


This is my last appearance of the current football season and of course I am anxious to let you all have the full benefit of my prognosticating powers. As a matter of fact Mrs. Huey has staked my fortune on the outcome of my predictions today. Maybe you didn't know there was a Mrs. Huey; well strictly speaking you are right; really it is the Misses Huey, which is only an old Chinese way of saying that I like variety. But then I wouldn't expect my new countrymen to catch on to oriental customs yet so I will leave a detailed discussion of that subject until a later date.

Today's game is really what I am here to tell you about, and believe me it is no easy job. As a matter of fact I might say that after my national success of last week on a bunch of games which almost any palooka who wasn't a sports writer could have predicted, I stand in a rather precarious position: It's not that I don't know what will happen; it's simply that I hate to dish old friends like Arnie Horween and Mal Stevens. Now these--two boys seem to think that if I would keep quiet they could decide it between themselves. I am willing to humor them to a certain extent: I even arranged to referee a duel at twenty paces with snow balls early this morning, but Mal said he didn't like snow balls, so I had to give that idea up. And then Arnie thought he was too old for water pistols so I had to let it go altogether.

New I don't want any one to think I have lost any of my powers. I am going to tell you incidentally the scores of a couple of big games so no one will think that, and then I will drop a small hint on the important matter so that any real smart fellow will know what to do about it. California will have a tough time with Stanford but the final score will be just about 12 to 7. And the same may be said of the Notre Dame outfit when it runs up against Northwestern. The latter may score; I'm not absolutely sure, but anyway the final count will find the South Benders ahead by 7 points, probably 7 to 0.

And now to get back to the New England benders. There were a lot of them last night all right, and of course I wasn't idle. That is to say I was very busy predicting, and if you are smart you will be able to bet safely on this somewhat Delphic statement: "A wooden booth is the key to success. Choose keenly and you will do well."
