
Former Greats Discuss Afternoon's Contest--Opinions Evenly Divided

Captain of 1928 Harvard Team

To propheay the outcome of this year's Yale-Harvard game--in fact to foretell the result of any big football game is a thing I prefer to keep away from, for pre-game smiles can very easily be inurned into tears as the game progresses.

From past performances, if scores mean anything, I think Yale with victories over Dartmouth, Army, and Princeton ought to enter the game a favorite, and I hope it does for from a psychological point that will give the Harvard team a distinct advantage.

The Harvard team this fall has had a lot of bad breaks, and I do not think that the scores of the games are indicative of the strength of the team. I have watched them pretty closely this week on the field and off and they have built up a spirit, a morale that I don't think can be beaten.

This year's Yale-Harvard game will be a great battle. It will be a game that we'll all remember: and I think that Yale will have to save her undertaker's song for some time in the future.
