

Sentiment is a term too overworked, too perverted with false connotations of sentimentality, for use in connection with this week-end; but, by whatever name it is called, the feeling exists. It is more than the attractive power of football, for a dozen teams can without contradiction proclaim themselves superior to the two that meet in the Stadium tomorrow; it is far stronger than mere intercollegiate rivalry, for this year no student mass-meetings are going into pre-game spasms of false ecstasy over the teams. Instead, the atmosphere is saner, more healthful, more desirable for everybody. The relations of the two colleges have passed their childhood, and are becoming mature.

So with only a muffled fanfare of trumpets from those most concerned, Harvard and Yale meet in football tomorrow afternoon. The eyes of the press, and through it, of the country, may be focussed on Cambridge; but for the two contestants, the days are gone when the football team rushed out in the guise of the College Militant. The fact that victory may be desirable, but that defeat does not necessarily blight the loser with shame, has gone through the stages of incredulity, to acceptance. With its acceptance has ceased meaningless antagonism between the universities. In its place stands an era of good feeling; and with this, the rivalry of Harvard and Yale has its new and true beginning.
