At the Treasure Room of Widener Library there is a specially interesting exhibition of some of the early editions of "La Historia General de las Indias," by Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes.
This Spanish gentleman, born in 1478, was educated at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. In his thirtieth year, he became page to their son, the Infante Don John; he was present at the siege of Granada; and while there, he saw Columbus before his trip to America.
In 1497, Oviedo went to Italy; 17 years later he was appointed supervisor of gold smeltings at San Domingo; and in 1523, back in Spain, he was appointed historiographer of the Indies.
"La General y Natural Historia de las Indias" was first published at Toledo in 1526 in the form of a summary entitled "La Natural Hystoria de las Indias." The first copy of the "Historia General de las Indias" was published in 1535 at Seville. Written in a diffuse style, it embodies a mass of curious information collected at first hand. This book, on exhibition now, ends with an epistle addressed, "Al reverendissimo e illustrissimo senor el cardenal de Espana don fray Garcia Fofre de Loaysa," and it is signed by the author.
There is also a copy owned by Don Diego Cruzat of Pamplona. Navarre, whose ancestors fought in the Holy Land. This gentleman superimposed his escutcheon above the author's autograph, evidently believing it to be of greater importance. He was permitted to add the border azure, three Jerusalem crosses, to his escutcheon.
Other later editions of Oviedo complete the collection now being shown.
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