Three rounds of the 1933 preliminary squash tournament had been completed last night, with but two more left to finish the schedule which will decide the membership of the Freshman squad.
Coach Harry Cowles is now holding practices for the prospective squad, but selection of the team has not yet been made.
In the first round E. F. Mitchell '33 de-feated E. A. Beroisheimer '33 15-4, 15-7; T. B. Eastland '33 defeated J. B. Walker Jr. '33, 15-18, 15-8, 15-10; S. P. Rockwell '33 defeated E. C. Pugh '33 defeated C. E. Channing '33, 15-8, 15-10; Christoper Birckhear '33 defeated T. M. Torrey '33 15-8, 15-10; A. C. Harrison '33 defeated R. H. Bates '33, 15-9,15-8; and Phillip Boyer, Jr. '33 defeated E. S. Talbot Jr. '33, 15-12, 17-18, 18-16.
In the second round R. H. Goodwin '33 won over J. R. Leonard '33 over W. R. Pattes '33. In the same round of play Mitchell defeated Harrison, 15-10, 15-8;; and Kirkbride won over Rockwell by default.
The third round saw G. P. Webber defeat Milton Singer '33 15-5, 15-12; J. R. Fetcher '33 defeated R. H. Goodwin '33, 20-19, 25-10; and Kirbride defeated Baxter, 18-15, 18-16.
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