
In the Graduate Schools

Scott Club Will Face Bryce in Contest Tomorrow Evening

The first semi-final arguments of the Ames competition in the Law School will take place tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in Languell Court Room. The clubs in this case will be the Scott Club, represented by E. B. Hanley, Jr. 3L and C. A. Howard, Jr. 3L, and the Bryce club, whose speakers are E. Darling 3L and C. T. Lane 3L.

The judges who will sit in court tomorrow night are the Honorable J. A. Lowell '91, United States District Judge for Massachusetts, the Honorable R. P. Dietzman '05. Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, and the Honorable F. T. Field, Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts.

As last year, the debaters will make every effort to present the cases in non-technical language as far as possible, so that the arguments will be readily intelligible to the outsider.

On Friday night, the second semi-final, between the Warren and Chafee clubs, will be held at the same place and time. The former club will be represented by V. V. R. Booth 3L and R. F. Young 3L, while the speakers for the latter will be R. F. Carney 3L and E. T. Richards 3L.
