
The Student Vagabond

It seems to The Vagabond that life has developed into just one football game after another--with hour examinations in between. Not that the restless rover has any objections to football in itself. Far from it. It is the inbetween that is so upsetting. Along with the turbulent conditions of the stock market these tussels with blue books have succeeded in demoralizing a fondly conceived plan of the Vagabond's. Whereby hangs a tale.

Among the people who wander about Harvard Square. The Vagabond probably covers more ground than any other single person. So in the course of his daily Vagabonding numerous occasions arise when his life is endangered and his pursuit of academic happiness is considerably delayed. This, he felt, was a situation of grave importance.

After weeks of standing on street corners and long periods of being marooned in the center of a passing stream of automobiles. The Vagabond determined to revolt against the traffic system which so formidably threatens his career, nay his very existence. Unfortunately a call on Mayor Quinn was discouraged by the presence of two large police dogs. There was nothing left for the traveling scholar to do but gather the necessary data and prove to his readers that automobiles in Harvard Square are a menace to all true students--a danger to life and a waster of time at street crossings.

This week the number of hours lost by each man in college was to be reckoned up and the facts submitted to show just how serious the affair really is. But these afore-mentioned hour examinations. The Vagabond has to admit. Prevented the gathering of the much needed information. So the best that The Vagabond can give the world at present writing is the political note in the preceding paragraph

As for today's game. The Vagabond has nothing to say before breakfast on that score. Besides you can read all about the game in Monday's CRIMSON Besides, and what is more important, the Vagabond took up his present occupation in, if he remembers aright. 1926. Anyhow, it was just after the Florida land boom.
