

Harvard Glee and Instrumental Clubs Join With Yale--Many Features are Planned

The Harvard Glee Club will make its initial appearance of the season Friday night, when the University singers appear in a joint concert in Sanders Theatre with the Yale Glee Club and the Harvard Instrumental Clubs. Definite announcement of the program of the concert was made yesterday.

The Yale singers will open the program with four English folk songs. "Agincourt Song", "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes", "Swansea Town", and "What Shall We Do With A Drunken Sailor". They will be followed by the Harvard Banjo Club, who will offer a football medley and the "Veritas" march.

The first songs of the Harvard Glee Club will be "Drake's Drum", by Coleridge-Taylor, "Marching", by Brahms, and choruses from the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, "Ruddigore". After the intermission the Yale Glee Club will be heard again, in three negro spirituals, "Place My Feet on Higher Ground", "Keep In The Middle Of The Road", and "The Battle Of Jericho".

The Harvard Mandolin Club will offer selections from "Pinafore", another Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, and the Brahms' Waltz in A Major. Then the Harvard singers will offer two Russian folk songs, "Fireflies", and "At Father's Door", and Harvard football songs, closing with "Bright College Years" and "Fair Harvard", sung with the Yale Glee Club.

The concert, which will begin at 8.30 o'clock, will be over in time for dances, it is announced. Tickets are on sale at the Coop, and at the offices of the Harvard Glee Club in Paine Hall.


Following their appearance this week, the Glee Club will offer another program, in conjunction with the Radcliffe Choral Society and members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, on Friday, December 12 at Symphony Hall.
