After "Street Girl", current attraction at the University Theatre, has been seen, one wonders why there aren't more like it. It is another all talking-singing-dancing picture, but not just another one. Betty Compson, having taken unto herself a French accent, combines with Jack Oakie and Ned Sparks, to give cinema patrons one of the snappiest and most delightful musical movies to date. The entire picture has a certain swing that is sure to captivate one, and, contrary to most movies of its type, "Street Girl" has a continuity to it that keeps it from the bromidal class.
The theme song, "Lovable and Sweet", is as fast and sparkling a tune as has been tacked on to any movie in a long time. Via perfect synchronization "The Four Seasons" send the tune over the talkie instruments and keep the picture moving along at a swift pace.
The story revolves about four boys in an orchestra who advance from a $100 a week job at a low dive to a $3000 position at the Little Aregon Cafe, all because of the energetic work of "Freddy" as played by Miss Compson. Then there is the usual mushy ending, but one can discount that in view of the rest of the picture.
Reginald Denny also appears on the University screen in "One Hysterical Night", a story about the inmates of an insane asylum. The picture is pretty weak in spots, but has one or two redeeming laughs.
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