Two o'clock this afternoon will find the Vagabond in Sever 11. The Reverend Mr. Caroll who plays the part of the Scotland Yard detective in "The Perfect Alibi" will lecture there in connection with English 22 about the theatre from the actors point of view.
9 o'clock
"The Dictatorship of the Proletariat". Professor Holcombe. New Lecture Hall.
"Space Perception." Professor Boring. Emerson D.
10 o'clock
"Peter the Greta--Foreign Policy." Professor Karpovitch. Sever 25.
11 o'clock
"Cowley and Marvell". Professor Murdock. Sever 11.
2 o'clock
"Victor Hugo." Professor Morize. Sever 19.
10 o'clock
"Clcero". Professor Moore, Sever 13.
11 o'clock
"The Florida Purchase." Professor Baxter. Harvard 1.
12 o'clock
"Work and Energy." Professor Black. Jefferson Physics Lab. 1.
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