The characterization of the Harvard Law School as an internationally acknowledged school of its type has suffered from such constant repetition as to make the statement almost platitudinous. Yet there has hardly ever been a more remarkable expression of its universality than is contained in the terms of the Pugsley gift of $400,000 which was announced yesterday.
The gift, which will make it possible for representatives of sixty different nations to study law at Cambridge, is only another example of the conviction held by many prominent people that the opportunities presented by the Harvard Law School cannot be duplicated anywhere in this country, and possibly not abroad. The large number of foreign students at the school today amply reflects the importance which is attached to the school in other countries, and the Pugsley gift will materially help to spread its reputation further.
Scholarships which make possible study at foreign universities have received a certain amount of criticism in the past. One often hears that the very numbers of Rhodes Scholars at Oxford is a handicap to the individuals--that they can never really belong to the true Oxford, and conversely that foreign students in American colleges can never hope to get the benefit from their college years that American students receive. But the make-up of the Harvard Law School places every man on an equal footing. There is a minimum of social distinction, and an equal opportunity lies before native and foreigner alike. The fortunate combination of unexcelled facilities for study, and the freedom from social handicaps arising from nationality, should enable the nosiness under the Pugsley gift to get the fullest advantage from their years of study at Cambridge.
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