Albert Pratt '33, of Boston, has been named manager of the Harvard Freshman football team, it was announced last night, at the close of the 1933 managerial competition. Arthur Oakley Brooks '33, of New York City is first assistant Freshman manager, Hamilton Young '33, of Newton is second assistant manager, and the three dormitory managers, all of whose rank is equal, are Henri Bourneuf '33 of Chestnut Hill, Roger Sanderson Hewlett '33, of Cedarhurst, Long island, New York, and Roland Whitney Richards '33, of Saint Louis, Missouri.
These appointments, which are subject to the approval of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports, are the result of the competition which lasted from September 23 until November 12. All ten men are automatically eligible on an equal basis for the University football second assistant managerial competition which will begin next spring.
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