
The Student Vagabond

What is the difference between a socialist and a communist? The Vagabond is not asking a conundrum, he is raising a perfectly serious question the exact answer of which puzzles him. Aside from the fact that one associates a socialist with studio teas and a communist with bombs and whiskers, is there any real distinction between the two? Are socialists just communists who bathe regularly? These are all points which , frankly, confuse the Vagabond, and as he feels both these terms he is attending Professor Holcombe's lecture on "Socialism and Communism" at nine o'clock this morning in the New Lecture Hall.

Other lectures of interest are:


9 o'clock

"Animal Movements", Professor Parker, Geology Lecture Room.


10 o'clock

"The Writings of Benjamin Franklin", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"Moral Rules", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

2 o'clock

"Victor Hugo", Professor Morize, Sever 19.


10 o'clock

"The Law of Gravitation", Professor Plaskett, Observatory.

"Roman Oratory", Professor Moore, Sever 13.

"Aristotles Metaphysics", Professor Perry, Emerson D.

12 o'clock

"Slavery and the Slave Trade", Professor Usher, Widener U.

"Newton's Laws of Motion', Professor Black, Jefferson Physics Lab.
