
Touch Football Schedule

Freshman inter-dormitory touch football begins next week, with the following schedule of games for the 1933 elevens:

Wednesday, November 6--Gore vs. McKinlock; Smith vs. Standish.

Friday, November 8--McKinlock vs. Smith, Standish vs. Gore.

Wednesday, November 13--Gore vs. Smith, McKinlock vs. Standish.

Friday, November 15--Gore vs. McKinlock, Smith vs. Standish.


Monday, November 18--McKinlock vs. Smith, Standish vs. Gore.

Wednesday, November 20--Gore vs. Smith, McKinlock vs. Standish.

Friday, November 22--Gore vs. McKinlock., Smith vs. Standish.

Monday, November 25--McKinlock vs. Smith, Standish vs. Gore.

Tuesday, November 26 Gore vs. Smith, McKinlock vs. Standish.
