The meetings at Harvard of Summer School directors from all over the country, shows the importance that is being attached to this means of widening the opportunity for study of countless students who find it impossible to condense this work into the winter months.
The summer schools of this country are many in number and very diversified in character, and contrary to the opinion of many people are primarily for those who are seeking additional opportunity to take courses, not for scholastic lame ducks who have had difficulty in regular term time and are atoning for their negligence. They range from the mammoth organizations which have 13,000 students on their rolls, to small schools specializing in some particular field of research. This organization as to terms is widely varied, and their general administration bears more of the close similarity which is characteristic of the regular college.
While there will be many common problems which the directors of these schools will be able to discuss, the very divergence in type among the summer schools will give rise to new viewpoints and methods, peculiar to individual institutions, which may prove beneficial for the delegates to the conference. The results of this meeting will help to solve some of the difficulties which confront a branch of the educational system which is growing ever more popular.
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