The youthful proteges of Mr. One Eye Connolly have descended upon Soldiers Field and for the past few Saturdays they have been climbing the surrounding fence in rather concentrated doses. With a respectable amount of indifference, the Athletic Association has reserved a group of small, wire pens for the convenience and residence of these unexpected guests as long as they choose to remain on the field. The inmates do not seem to be more than ordinarily annoyed, and the space serves no other purpose at that specific time. The only difficulty seems to be with the legitimate spectators.
Several kindly ladies have protested to the officers in charge that such a procedure of making small boys fill the role of the caged monkey is not exactly ethical. Perhaps the vision of their own offspring in such a predicament appalls them or maybe it is just an overabundance of sympathy. Nevertheless, the fact remains that putting little boys in pens for a few hours is much less vicious than hauling them off to the local jail and from the antics of those confined, it is doubtful if their sensibilities are in any way impaired.
The B A A must protect itself in some way from this weekly invasion, and the present system seems to be not only expedient, but also very effective if the decrease in attendance in the cages since the Army game can be a criteria Climbing fence is not a major crime, but merely an annoyance, and ridicule undoubtedly has a sobering influence. Besides, the caging not only protects the Athletic Association but also must to some degree appease that adolescent craving for publicity. What more equitable justice is there than that which satisfies not only the prosecutor, but also the punished?
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