
The Crimson Playgoer

Jeanne Eagles Fails to Impress in "Jealousy"--The Less Said About "Hold Your Man" the Better

The entertainment offered at the University Theatre for the last half of this week shows a decided relapse from the high standard set during the previous four days.

Jeanne Eagles, the star of "Jealousy" failed to show the brilliance which characterized her screen work in "The Letter" She plays the part of a wife who is supporting herself and her husband on the money supplied her by a former lover. The inevitable occurs; her husband suspects that the former relationship is not entirely terminated, and in an insanely jealous mood murders the man whom he realizes is ruining the happiness of his home.

The plot is tenuous at best, and has seen service many times before in one form or another, although the current version is not too patently obvious. Really capable acting would have made it a very serviceable movie, but unfortunately the two principal characters are guilty of over-exaggeration of their parts. While not attaining to any new artistic heights or reaching any profound depths of subtlety, it must be said, however, that as mere entertainment, "Jealousy" is perfectly commendable.

As for the companion piece, "Hold Your Man", the less said about this, the better. Laura La Plante holds forth for six reels in a movie devoid of plot, acting, or any other reedeeming feature, and the aggregate is merely a waste of good film.
