

Hard Contest Promised as Undefeated Teams Meet--Brothers Play on Opposing Teams

HARVARD  DARTMOUTH Faude, g.  g., Kramer Catinella, r.f.b.  r.f.b., Perkins Stollmeyer, l.f.b.  l.f.b., Stark Howe, r.h.b.  r.h.b., King Kane, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Allen Bland, l.h.b.  l.h.b., Moore Dorman, i.r.f.  i.r.f., Eagan Frame, i.l.f.  i.l.f., Nichols Broadbent, c.f.  c.f., Stollmeyer Bodde, o.l.f.  o.r.f., Richardson Grover, o.r.f.  o.l.f., Jeffery

The University soccer team will face the most difficult opponent which it has encountered thus far this season when it encounters the strong Dartmouth team on the field behind the Business School at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon. Led by Captain A. M. Stollmeyer '30 the University players have been undefeated thus far this season, winning from Bridgewater Normal School 7 to 2: Syracuse 1 to 0; and Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3 to 1. Captain Stollmeyer, D. M. Frame '32 and H. H. Broadbent '32 have been consistent point winners in the games played.

An unusual condition will occur in the game when Stollmeyer, center forward of the Big Green, opposes his brother, captain of the Crimson. The Harvard flash is playing his third year as a member of the team, while his brother is listed in the starting Dartmouth lineup for the first time.
