
One of Wellesley's Representatives From the South Airs Her Views on Army and Harvard--Scorns Brass Buttons

Army men haven't anything on Harvard when--it comes to attracting the ladies, is the viewpoint of Margot Bell, Wellesley Sophomore who contributed this timely comment on the Army-Harvard battle today. Miss Bell is a Savannah, Georgia (the town of Hard-hearted Hannah) girl, and knows Eastern college men as only a Southern girl can who has two brothers at Princeton.

"Ah sho am glad our seats are down heab!...Ah simply adoah watchin' football games...don't you?...Oh no! Ah'm not like the rest of these women heah, Ah don't wanna talk...Ah reckon Ah'm different that a way...Ah just love to watch fo'ward kicks, an field passes 'n' things...Oh is that wheah the Ahmy is sittin'?'...Sho' nuf'?...Ah'm so excited...Ah love the Ahmy...! When Ah was a little kid no biggah than that down home in Gawgia. Ah simply adoahed policemen, the way they went 'stridin' about in brass buttons, and stripes, and an H. Sebastian Gawd sorta air...Ah reckon that's why Ah fell so hard down at the Point...Did Ah fall?...Boy, the lines they shoot down theah would win any ole wah ovah night...Oooooah, did he drop the ball?...and he looks so sweet in his helmet too...Ah'm so sorry, won't out side win now? But you know they simply eat lines up themselves, an Ah mean they do. You just look overcome with admiration at how wonderful they look in uniforms, and drawl out a'Wounldn't they just' fall foah you all hard down home'...Theah's something so different about Ahmy men...Theah is...Ah sho' think they're wonderful..Ah just love their brass buttons..You could count all forty eight of 'em in black and blue marks on me when Ah got home las' week...What?...Sho that's all Ah got...they screw-the real ones on...Ah rockon they need the protection...they fall so easily...? men now are different. They know it all...Why you'd think they'd all had front row seats at the creation'n showed Gawd what was wrong...They're smooth!...And when they dance they sho don't take that Present Ahms attitude of the Ahmy...Anything but!...Ah love Hahvud men...they know so much, an' they look twice as much as they know...'n' when you go ridin' with 'em...well...they don't have to pull any 'it smacks of the Bowery' stuff foah protection if you park a moment like they do down at the point...Ah should say not...most emphstically not...'n' their minds...Ah do adoah intelligent men...don't you?...'n' they she can mix a cocktall...Course they lose out on the uniform part...but Ah dum no, there's somethin' about 'em that makes you fall...Ah reckon it's cause they're so different...What's the marter...The game's ovah?...Who was anyhow?"
