

Unique Game is Provided by Coach J.L. Knox for His Men--Best Class Team Will Get Two Chances

A new angle in football will be revealed this afternoon on Soldiers Field when the Second University team meets three different opponents in one game.

Coach J.L. Knox '98, who has charge of the second team will pit his charges against the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior class teams, one of which will play each of the three first periods. The performance of the class teams will be closely watched and compared, and at the end of the third period Coach Knox will pick the team that has given in the best showing. This outfit will play out the balance of the game against the seconds.

This unique contest is an interesting way of providing competition between three class teams, and at the same time giving the Seconds opportunity to meet different combinations on attack and defense. Coach Knox's Seconds have been busy during the last week putting on Army plays for the benefit of Team A, and today's fracas with the class teams will be the last workout for the week. On Monday they will receive their assignments for work with the University team in preparation for the Dartmouth game.

The lineup of the Seconds is as follows: l.c., Briggs; l.t., Adlis; l.g., Brooks; c., S. Peirce; r.g., Divinul; r.t., R. Johnson; r.e., Foshay; q.b., Winsston r.h.b., Parks; l.h.b., Lirlien; f.b., Brinkley.
