
The Student Vagabond

"Eabelais", the topic of Professor Morize's lecture this morning at ten in Harvard 6, offers the Vagabond an occasion to become a little more familiar with this outstanding figure in French literature. Although Rabelais' work is of such permanent significance as to be a standard, the present activity of book censors and other public officials makes Professor Morize's subject very timely and of special interest even to those to whom French literature itself makes no appeal.

Other lecture features are:


9 o'clock

"Taste and Smell". Professor Boring. Emerson D.


10 o'clock

"The Rise of Moscow", Mr. Karpovitch, Sever 25.

"Schiller's Ballads", Professor Silz. Sever 26.


9 o'clock

"Prehistoric Archaeology". Professor Tozzer, Semetic 1.

12 o'clock

"The Voyage of Magellan". Professor Usher, Widener U.

"Ethics of Naturalism". Professor Hocking, Emerson D.

"Archimedes' Principle", Professor Black, Jefferson Phys. Lab. 1.
