The lists of tutors and associates for the two new Houses published in today's CRIMSON have obviously been the result of much careful thought on the part of the House Masters. The men chosen bring with them formal academic distinction and a popularity among the student body which should go a long way to establish the sort of success hoped for by the well-wishers of the House Plan. Virtually all of the principal departments of the University are represented, and it is obvious that every effort has been made to prevent any lopsidedness which would tend to result in special attractiveness to the students in any particular field.
There is of course a danger that the priority of choice naturally given to the first two Houses may result in a monopoly of the best tutors by them. Coupled with the better physical equipment which these units will enjoy over those which may later be made by the adaptation of old buildings this priority may result in the top-heavy popularity of these Houses. The dangers of this situation are admittedly not pertinent to the present, but a proper recognition of their possibility should dictate that particular care be expended in building up the ranks of the non-House tutors in preparation for further inroads.
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