

Three Harvard Men are Granted Leave for Whole Year--Two Receive Posts in University Law School

Sir Robert Alexander Falconer, President of the University of Toronto, will come to Harvard as Ingersoll Lecturer for 1929-30, it was announced at University Hall yesterday afternoon. The appointment will bring Toronto's President here next spring. Recipient of many degrees including an LL. D. from Yale, Princeton, Glasgow, and Dublin, a D.D. from Edinburgh, a D.C.L. from Oxford, and a D. Litt, from Manchester, he has also been given the honor of Knight Commander of Saint Michael and Saint George.

The appointment of four visiting lecturers was announced at the same time. A. A. Blanchard, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at M. I. T., will lecture at Harvard for the first half of the present year on Inorganic Chemistry. C. A. Kraus, Research Professor of Chemistry at Brown, comes to Harvard for the first half year, to lecture on Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. M. S. Sherrill, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at M. I. T. will lecture at Harvard through the entire year on Advanced Physical Chemistry. Professor Muneyoshi Yanagi of Kyoto, Japan, will lecture on Japanese Art, and serve as a research fellow in the Department of Fine Arts.

Ireland Comes to Harvard

The appointment of two men to Assistant Professorships in the Law School was also announced. O. H. Fisk, from January to September of this year a Research Fellow at the Law School, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Civil Law. Gordon Ireland '01 becomes Assistant Professor of Latin-American Law at Harvard.

F. L. Gates, on leave of absence from the Rockefeller Institute, will be a Research Fellow in Biophysics during the coming year. E. H. Holmes, of the Bureau of Public Roads of the United States Department of Agriculture, will be the Albert Russell Erskine Fellow for Street Traffic Research at Harvard during the coming year. J. M. Plumer '21, becomes Assistant and Tutor in Chinese and Secretary of the Harvard-Yenching Institute.


Malott on Leave

Three professors have been granted leaves of absence for a whole or part of the coming year. H. R. Tosdal, Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business Administration will be on sabbatical leave during the first half of 1929-30. R. F. Field, Assistant Professor of Applied Physics, will be on leave of absence for the year 1929-30. Assistant Professor D. W. Malott of the Graduate School of Business Administration, whose field is Public Utility Management, will also be on leave of absence for the year 1929-30.
