A regular clinic for the teaching of Pediodontia to the students of the Harvard Dental School has been organized under the auspices of the Department of Operative Dentistry.
Through the cooperation of the Health Department of the Boston Public Schools, an assistant supervisor is assigned to aid in the choice of a group of children from four to six years of age, who can be followed from year to year until about the age of twelve, it is expected. This work is being undertaken from two points of view, and dental and pediatric supervision is handled by the Departments of Hygiene and Operative Dentistry.
Furnishes Research Material
The work of the Pediodontia Clinic will serve two purposes, according to the expectations of the authorities, in that it will provide clinical instruction in Pediodontia for the students and will furnish material for research to the teaching staff of the School.
Since the successful practice of dentistry with children is dependent in so large a measure upon gaining their confidence, this work is being taught to those students who are best qualified to undertake it , the seniors. Each students is assigned definite children for supervision and work during the year and he becomes responsible for the dental work needed and in addition the instruction of the mother and child in home care.
Pediatric Participation
The student also participates in the pediatric examination of the cases and has pointed out to him the significance of the physical and environmental findings of the child's past and present history, as possible explanations for oral conditions found.
From the research point of view, complete family conditions, both past and present are being tabulated. In the medical examination, information is obtained regarding the mother's health during pregnancy, and as detailed an account as possible of her diet during that period is made. The rate of development of the child and the diseases he has experienced are recorded. The story of the nursing diet of the child is obtained, and the diet and habits subsequent are recorded as a means of determining the adequacy of the nutritional elements present. The physical examination gives information on the state of health, the possible presence of lung or heart affections and the presence of possible foci of infection. The laboratory examination checks up on the kidneys and the blood.
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