
Books Undisturbed as Freshman Library Moves to Allow House Construction to Begin--Plant Trails Freshmen

The Freshman Library, which houses books for the use of first-year men in the departments of History and English, in addition to a splendid circulating library, has been moved. The building was for several years on Bolyoke Street at South Street, but plans for the new House behind Gore Hall required that the ground on which the building stood be cleared for the erection of the new plant.

The feat of moving the Library was accomplished early in the summer, the entire building being shifted in one section. Not a book was removed from the shelves, and not a table or chair disturbed. The Library now stands in the green plot directly behind Standish Hall.

The new location is only temporary, but even at that it is far more convenient for the Freshmen than the old site. Smith and Standish Halls are just across the street from it, and Gore and McKinlock are but a short distance away.

When the Freshman Library was first established, the books were housed in McKinlock Hall. Soon, however, it was displaced by a dining hall and common room for the Freshmen there, and the present building, then standing on Holyoke Street, was renovated to make room for the homeless library. It is this same building which now stands in the spot near Standish.

When the House Plan was matured, the first plan was to store the volumes in the library until it was definitely decided where the future Freshman classes would be housed. President Lowell, however, believing that the library was of such value to the first-year class that it could not be discarded, had the building moved to its present location. Present plans are that the library, like Mary's little lamb, will follow the Freshmen wherever they may go.
