


Plans for the publication of the 1929 Senior Class Album were announced last night by R. G. West '29, chairman of the Album Committee. Rules governing the contribution by each member of the class of individual data for the volume and a statement of the subscription price were included in the first announcement by the committee.

Life blanks, to record the activities of all Seniors, and notices of appointments for personal photographs have been mailed to all men eligible for inclusion in the Album. These include:

1. All candidates for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in 1929 who are not included in any other Class Album.

2. All men who entered with the Class of 1929 and are now in College.

3. All former members of the Class of 1929 who have left College in good standing and all men who have been members of the class for two years.


Inclusion in the 1929 Album is optional with many men in these categories. Former members of the class now in College who expect to take their degrees later may have their choice of inclusion in the volume or in the Album of the year in which they take their degree.

Life blanks are to be filled out and returned to 16 Massachusetts Hall or left at Notman's Studio before midyears. The committee will add, on request, all late winter and spring activities, according to the announcement.

All personal photographic work is to be done by Notman's Studio. Hours of appointments have been made, beginning tomorrow. The committee emphasized the need of keeping these dates, or of making another appointment for as early a time as possible. The appearance of each man's picture in the Album is a matter of personal responsibility, it was said.

Subscription blanks are attached to the life blanks mailed to Seniors, and should be filled out and returned at once. The price will be $9 until March 31, as in former years, after which time it will rise to $10. No subscription will be accepted without the accompanying price, it was announced. Blanks may be left at 16 Massachusetts Hall or at Notman's.

The personnel of the committee was announced as follows: Business Manager, J. W. McPherson '29; Editorial Chairman, A. H. Harlow '29; Photographic Editor, John DeLaittre '29; Life Blank Editor, H. H. Proctor '29.
