Dr. Thomas Barbour '06, Director of the University Museum left Boston yesterday for Florida where he will join A. V. Armour, for an extensive cruise, which will include many Harvard biological and botanical foundations in southern latitudes. The trip will be made on the Armour yacht "Utowana."
They plan to proceed to Haiti, San Domingo. Porto Rica, then south through the West Indies to Trinidad where they will visit the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. From there their course will be west through the Dutch Lesser Antilles to Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama. They will stop in the Panama Canal Zone for Professor Barbour's annual inspection of the Barro Colorado Island Tropical Research Station of the Institute for Research in Tropical America, of which Mr. Barbour is Chairman.
To Visit Snake Farms
On the way back the "Utowana" will stop at Tela, Honduras, where the expedition will visit the snake farm maintained by Harvard, the Antivenim Institute of America, and the United Fruit Company. From there he will go to Cuba to the Harvard Biological Laboratory and Botanical Garden at Soledad, Cienfuegos, Cuba.
While cruising through the West Indies it is planned to visit the various tropical agricultural gardens and several of the smaller islands, not touched by the regular trade routes, and, therefore, not visited by naturalists for many years. They hope to collect specimens of plants and seeds for introduction in the experimental stations at Summit, Canal Zone, Tela, Honduras, and the Harvard Gardens in Cuba, and zoological specimens for the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. They will return to the United States about the middle of May.
Ames to Leave for Cuba
Professor Oakes Ames '98, Chairman of the Council of Botanical Collections and Supervisor of the Biological Laboratory and Botanic Garden in Cuba, will also leave on a southern trip, early next month, when he will visit the Biological Laboratory and Botanic Garden in Cuba. He intends to carry on research work in connection with economic botany and to make a survey of the station with a view to obtaining data for possible alterations to be made in the future.
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