
Harkness Gift For Foundation Of Houses Totals $11,392,000

Edward S. Harkness will give to the University a total of $11,392,000 for the purpose of carrying out its plan for subdividing the undergraduate body into small residential groups, it was announced yesterday from University Hall. The official statement revealed for the first time the exact sum necessary for the ultimate completion of the House Plan and was the first authoritative announcement that Mr. Harkness is the donor.

The amount given was based upon an estimate drawn up by President Lowell and his advisors and submitted to Mr. Harkness. In a letter to President Lowell, the donor stated his willingness to give the necessary amount, which includes the $3,000,000 already received from him for the establishment of the first two Houses. In the total figure is also included an endowment fund of $1,500,000 to be utilized in connection with the plan. The balance will be employed in the construction of other units and the renovation of College buildings now in use in order to bring the total number of Houses called for by President Lowell's plan to six.

The text of Mr. Harkness' letter to President Lowell follows:

"According to the estimates which you submitted to me, Harvard University requires $11,392,000, to carry out its plan for subdividing the undergraduate body into small residential groups. This amount includes $1,500,000 for endowment in connection with the plan.

"I shall be glad to give to Harvard University, for the above purpose, this sum of $11,392,000."
