Three University squash teams and the 1932 racquet wielders will engage in matches this afternoon in their respective classes. Team A. which will meet the Tennis and Racquet Club aggregation on the latter's courts in Boston, will be represented by W. J. Insulin '29. Ogden Phipps '31, B. H. Whitbeck '29. J. L. Ware '30, and C.D.G. Breckinridge '31.
Team B. represented by G. T. Francis ocC., S. B. Myers '29, N. F. Glidden '31. A. C. Ingraham '31, and R. O. Bishop '29, will oppose the Cambridge Squash Racquets Club on the University courts.
Team C. which is composed of R. M. Shelton '31. Burton Richardson '29. C. H. Kawakami '30. Caleb Cauman '29, and P. H. Rhineland '29, will engage a team from Country Day School on the University courts.
The yearling recruitment. A. W. Patterson '32, A. B. Poole '32. G. R. Clark '32. F. O. Canfield '32, and R. C. Champollion '32, will meet the racquetmen of the. Weston Club on the latter's courts in Weston.
At present Team A ranks third in the first division. Team B ranks first in the second group, while Team C and the Freshman racquetmen are field for second place in the third division.
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