
"Lift Her Up Tenderly"


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters but under special conditions, at the request of the writer, names will be withheld.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Would it not be a great blessing to allow the Junior Prom quietly and unmolestedly to join the Dodo, who has for many years been waiting to receive the aimiable Freak-Dance of the college? A resort to the oxygen of a bedizened ballroom and the hypodermic of exciting music would but for a space postpone that extinction which the poor Prom has long coveted and deserved.

Perchance the CRIMSON, in the kindness of its heart and prescience of its editors, might assist the Junior Prom to a decent and timely burial. And, if it is not too late for the funeral ceremonies to be held this year, a modified referendum might discover a sufficient number of eager* mourners in the class of 1930 to warrant the tolling of the Bursar's bell.

*"eager" and "apathetic" are here interchangeable.


Name withheld by request.
