Once more do the colleges make use of the methods and instruments of big business, but the most apprehensive could scarcely object to the plan just announced by President Angell of Yale. This is an arrangement for the group insurance of the faculty, administrative and other staffs of the college to the amount of $5,000,000, part of the premiums to be paid by the university and part, after the first month, by the beneficiaries.
In the flow of gifts to the universities of the country for building, research and other purposes, less spectacular needs are apt to be overlooked. The recognition of the importance of securing financial security for the class that is notoriously one of the poorest paid is welcome to all those interested in the progress of American education. Any steps towards building up this weakest link in the system as it stands today are valuable, and Yale is to be congratulated on having instituted such a valuable endowment. It comes after a series of salary raises, and should help carry on the progress they have made towards bringing the tangible reward of knowledge in New Haven into closer relationship with the current scale for equally arduous occupations.
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