The decision of the Harvard Summer School to offer courses designed to equip more fully coaches of small colleges and secondary schools in the modern refinements of many sports is no innovation as far as colleges in general are concerned. Many other colleges have been giving such courses for a number of years, while Harvard has lagged behind, offering such instruction only on a limited scale. Now she is approaching the place she occupies in other branches of education.
The fact that Harvard coaches are to give the instruction does not mean that only Harvard theory and practice are to be taught, for the courses will be tempered by the assistance of men from other universities. Such a plan provides for tuition that is both competent and well-rounded, and presumably the student-coaches will be allowed to choose the style of play most popular in their particular locality.
If sports are to be taught in the schools, and there is no doubt organized sports have now a permanent place in their curricula, there is no reason why they should not be taught well. School-boys are none the worse for having their coaching at second hand if the quality is better, and both the colleges and the public share in the benefits that accrue from a higher standard of play.
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