

Members of Council, Unannounced, to Render a Decision Tomorrow--Play Would be Given in March

According to C. C. Leatherbee '29, president of the Harvard Dramatic Club, Garfield and Whiteside, attorneys for the Club, have pursuaded Mayor Nichols of Boston to appoint a board of censors to reconsider the repression of the play, "Fiesta", in Boston. Their plea was granted on the grounds that the previous condemnation had been made by incapable persons.

Last night, Mayor Nichols declined to name any of the board members, although he said their decision would be announced tomorrow; neither did he say whether the members were policemen or dramatists. This board may deliver an ultimatum as to certain lines which must be cut before presentation, or it may refuse to allow the play in Boston on any conditions.

All the scenery of the show is stored in the basement of the Harvard Germanic Museum, ready for use at any time, and the costumes, rented for the occasion in New York, have been retained in Cambridge. If the play is presented again, all the former participants have signified their willingness to take part in it. The patronesses, moreover, many of whom were erroneously reported as having withdrawn, stand behind "Fiesta" as before.

Even if permission is granted for its presentation, however, the play will not be given until some time in February, according to Leatherbee, who also announced that in all probability it would not be given in John Hancock Hall, but in some larger Boston theatre.
