

Swain's Position Will be Taken Over by Hurtline, Former Instructor

Professor G. F. Swain of the Engineering School has just been taken seriously III, and will not start work before February. His courses are being taken by Albert Hurtline, a graduate of the Engineering School, and formerly an instructor there.

Another addition to the Engineering School faculty is Professor Bery, who has been in the Detroit Edison Company; a professor at Cornell, and editor of "Power". Professor H. N. Davis '06, whom Professor Bery succeeds, is now president of Stevens Institute.

Professor L. C. Graton resumes his duties after a year of inspecting deep mines and tunnels in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. He was sent by the Bureau of International Research to study the characteristics of ores which lie more than a mile below the ground, and the methods by which mines are constructed at such depths.
