The group of officials who will lead the activities of the Harvard Thomas-for President Club in its forthcoming campaign was officially announced last night at the organization headquarters. W. C. Thompson 1 Dv., who was elected president of the newly formed organization, is just returned from a summer spent in New Bedford where he was engaged in the bitter struggle carried on by the New Bedford Textile Council against the ten percent wage cut which the textile bosses attempted to enforce last spring. He was arrested four times on the picket line. The officers who will compose the executive force are J. H. Weiss 3L, vice-president, and A. H. Kalish 2G, secretary. Weiss was prominent in undergraduate politics a few years ago when he organized the Harvard LaFollette Club, subsequently becoming president of that organization in 1924. Kalish has spent the summer campaigning in eastern Massachusetts with Mary D. Hapgood, Socialist candidate for Governor.
The first public meeting to be sponsored by the organization will he held at the Harvard Liberal Club, at 66 Winthrop St., Tuesday evening, October 2, at 8 o'clock. The principal speakers of the evening will be Powers Hapgood '21, husband of the Socialist candidate, Professor A. S. Coolidge '15 of the Department of Chemistry and Lincoin Fairley '23 of the Department of Social Ethics. Hapgood has been an active participant in the recent struggles over the Saceo Vanzetti case, and the later attempts of the United Mine Workers of America to prevent a wage cut in the soft coal fields.
The club, according to a statement issued by members of the organization, will cooperate with the Socialist Party of Massachusetts in waging an active campaign and furnishing speakers for street corner meetings throughout Greater Boston.
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