Protessor Paul Hazard, Professor of the Comparative History of the Literature of Southern Europe and Latin American at the College de France, Paris, and Exchange Professor from France to Harvard University during the first half of this year, will give a series of twelve lectures on "L'Evolution de is Poesie Francaise de 1815 a nos Jours," on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 4.30 o'clock in Emerson D. The first three lectures will be given on October 3, 5, and 10, and the remaining dates will be announced later.
The lectures will be open to the public and will deal with the following subjects: Poesie.
2. Les Conquetes.
3. Sous le Reghe de Lyrisme.
4. Declin et Survivance de la Poesie Romantique.
5. L'Offensive Positiviste. Le Parnasse.
6. Le Grand Tournant de la Poesie Francaise: Baudelaire.
7. Le Grand Tournant de la Poesie Francaise: Rimbaud et Verlaine.
8. Le Symboliame.
9. La Melee dea Ecoles et des Individus.
10. La Grande Guerre et ses Effets sur la Conscience Poetique Francaise.
11. Paul Claudel. Paul Valery.
12. Aujourd'hut et Demain.
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M. Koechlin Lectures Friday