

The increase in membership in the Freshman class of the Business School from 400 to 500 is not unexpected to those who have been following the for tunes of this fast-growing member of the University. Hampered at first by inadequate quarters, the erection of new buildings across the river provided facilities for an expansion which has been as rapid as the means permitted, until at present it ranks third among the graduate schools in point of numbers. The Business School has not such a long history as some of its older associates, for it fills a need which has become apparent only in the past few years and much of its growth is undoubtedly still before it.

Industry has become the chief factor in the present life of America, and its increase in power as a means of improving the standard of living for all classes has been such as to lead to similar development all over the world. Its needs have been many, and the activities of the Business Schools that have sprung up in various parts of the country become more numerous and varied every year. For its reports on business conditions the Harvard Business School has become especially noteworthy. With the recent increase in numbers it has made another stride in advance and one in keeping with its value in the present scheme of things.
